A spectre is haunting Davos—the spectre of Trumpism.
Before we review this week’s episode of the Donald Trump Horror Show, we need to open up the coffins of the other vampires, and take an inventory of all their blood-sucking and ego-stroking at this year’s Billionaire Greedfest in Switzerland. Boris Johnson was mayor of London when he was interviewed a few years ago, and famously quipped that Davos was “a constellation of egos involved in massive mutual orgies of adulation.”
European Union head vampire, Ursula von der Leyen kicked off the event, and gave a rousing speech [yawn] that called the 2015 climate accord “the best hope for all humanity” and vowed: “Europe will stay the course, and keep working with all nations that want to protect nature and stop global warming.”
Before her speech, a couple of Greenpeace activists unfurled a banner over the main Davos Congress Center atrium that read, “Tax the super-rich! Fund a just and green future.”
I hate to break the news to the well-meaning activists, but it is the super-rich people like von der Leyen who are spoon-feeding the propaganda to the same poor, lost greenies. It is generally the super-rich who decide who pays taxes and how much, so it is doubtful they are going to tax themselves into oblivion any day soon.
The gay comedian and part-time Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky used his platform in Davos to urge European allies, that, “We’re at yet another turning point, which some see as a problem for Europe, but others call a chance. Europe must establish itself as a strong global player. In times of war, everyone worries—will the United States stay with them? Every ally worries about that. But does anyone in the United States worry that Europe might abandon them someday—might stop being their ally?"
Translation: “Don’t abandon me now, I need more money!!!”
And it does in fact, appear that the USA is abandoning Ukraine, just like they abandoned several other nations after years of dropping bucket loads of bombs and money, and murdering thousands.
Rebel Jews News are there this year, and their crack team of reporters plan on chasing more WEF stooges around, asking dumb questions and never getting a straight answer, because it is their sacred MISSION TO EXPOSE THE WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM. Can you imagine a reporter covering a football game from outside the stadium??
In order to accomplish this complete waste of everybody’s time, the perpetually broke Ezra Levant needs your HELP!!
Can you spare a few shekels??
WEF President Borge Brende was interviewed by Time magazine on January 16, and he proclaimed, “we are at a 1918, 1945, 1989 inflection point, in many ways, because we are between orders. We had one order. There is a new order on its way, but we don’t know exactly where it is.”
Where is the new world order?? I’m sure I left it here somewhere!
When asked about Trump winning the election, Brende went full multipolar:
“I think President Trump was elected based on immigration and inflation. There will be more focus on U.S. national interests. The new world order is not defined yet, but it will be, in my view, a more multi-polar order, because there are more nations in the mix, but the U.S. is still extremely important. In one way, we have a unipolar order when it comes to defense—45% of global military capabilities are with the U.S. Trump will also be important in defining this new world order. Will this be multi-polarity with multilateralism? Or will it be multi-polarity with a clearly shrinking role for multilateralism? And economically, the U.S. is, together with China and the E.U., still extremely important.”
You say multilateral, I say multipolar, let’s call the whole thing off.
If you haven’t noticed, these anaemic trolls all read from the same script: climate change, fractured world, multipolarity good/populism bad, we need global solutions, future pandemics, blah, blah, blah.
The Davos Club have decided to let bygones be bygones, and give Emperor Trump a chance. Lloyd Blankfein is quoted in a recent Bloomberg article:
“I’m reminded of what happened when Napoleon escaped from Elba,” said Lloyd Blankfein, the former longtime chief of Goldman Sachs Group Inc., likening executives’ realignment to the old story about how French newspapers changed their tune in 1815. They initially characterized Napoleon as a “monster” and an “ogre.” As he neared Paris, the papers announced “His Majesty” was arriving.
“And by the way,” Blankfein said, “Trump might even appreciate the comparison to Napoleon.”
Trump’s former Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross confessed, “A businessman’s job isn’t to change the world but to cope with it. Everyone is making big efforts to try and get lined up with Trump.” Wilbur Ross is a senior Rothschild manager, because nothing says anti-globalism quite like hiring a senior Rothschild manager to run your MAGA movement, especially after he saved you from bankruptcy.
Just because you owe your big fat orange ass to Jewish bankers doesn’t mean you’re a Jewish puppet … oh, wait a minute.
If you are reading my posts on a regular basis, you are already aware Trump is a globalist lunatic.
And speaking of Jewish bankers, we should mention the annual invitation-only Shabbat dinner that is held at the end of the Davos Greedfest. One insider journalist gushed:
“Yossi Vardi has made my time here in Davos simply incredible. I am in deeply in his debt for what he’s personally done for me. The Shabbat dinner he took me to last night was simply incredible. I filmed an intimate traditional ceremony there. It is the one video I’m keeping for myself and I will treasure those moments more than my walk with Mark Zuckerberg.”
What could be better than a walk with Mark Zuckerberg!? I know what you’re thinking: A rusty nail pounded into your toenail or maybe brushing your teeth with a chainsaw. These are only suggestions, kids. Please don’t try this at home without adult supervision.
The annual Shabbat dinner is sponsored by the World Economic Forum and hosted by WEF founder Klaus Schwab and his wife, Hilde. Klaus Schwab once said the dinner is his favorite part of the gathering:
“How special was that? Well, Klaus Schwab, the Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, told me that it is his favorite event of the whole week. You can’t get in without a private invite and it was one of those things that you just can’t believe you’re part of. I was pinching myself to make sure I wasn’t dreaming.”
Fox Anchorwoman, Liz Claman was also awestruck after being invited in 2012,
“This year’s dinner, held at the Hotel Seehof, was a stunning gathering of about 250 Jewish and non-Jewish international, political, business and small-entrepreneurial leaders. If you turned to the right, you ran into Jacob Frenkel, chairman of JPMorgan Chase International; left, and it was Stanley Fischer, governor of Israel’s Central Bank. Nearby were WEF’s founder and executive chairman, Klaus Schwab; U.S. Under Secretary of State Robert Hormats, Facebook Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg; billionaire investor Jeff Greene; Warren Buffett’s grandson, Howard Buffett Jr., Israeli entrepreneur Yossi Vardi, DNA sequencing machine creator Jonathan Rothberg, and Council on Foreign Relations President Richard Haass.”
Liz Claman wonders aloud how did “a nice Jewish girl from California … get invited to what is known as one of the most exclusive Davos events?”
I can think of two reasons ….
If you want the full story of the Shabbat dinner, check out Paul Cudenec’s excellent article.
The Davos Club can’t stop talking about Trump. They even chaired an entire panel discussion about His Orangeness:
When asked how JP Morgan is viewing Trump's policies from tariffs to tax cuts and the potential economic impact, JP Morgan CEO Mary Erdoes said:
“JP Morgan has set up a war room and that folks have been up all night analysing the potential impact on the economy” … she says that JP Morgan thinks his policies will create a “very Pro business environment.” She told a panel that “animal spirits are alive and the bank is confident that the new Trump Administration will take a lighter regulatory touch to banks,” something they say will “unleash lending and economic growth.”
Apparently the globalists are not really upset, what a shocker. I’m not convinced the animal spirits are pleased, but when I talk to them later at the seance, I will confirm their support.
The Trumpaholics are meanwhile comatose with euphoria after they plugged themselves into an IV drip of hopium. Trump unleashed a wet dream of executive orders, including pardoning the January 6 protesters, declaring a national emergency at the southern border, rescinding a host of Biden executive orders, terminating DEI programs, recognising only two genders, withdrawing from the Paris Agreement, withdrawing from the WHO and an anticipated changes to healthcare policies.
The helpless globalists are checkmated!!
Even though Trump is surrounded by the Deep State, (because he hired them all), the globalists are powerless!! Captain Warp Speed is using his superpowers to thwart the evil villains!!
Wow! So exciting!
But then there are some irritating things like the North American Union bugaboo and the fact that he is going to dump $500 billion into a national surveillance grid. The MAGA-troids will just ignore this because Trump has never lied to them before, so why would he start lying now??
Now that the Republicans have control of the Senate, Congress and the Supreme Court, they can do just about anything they want. Trump’s alignment with techno-nut Elon Musk is a fait d’acompli of the US nationalist media. It remains a fact that human beings are willing to swallow any propaganda shoved down their throats, as long as it is propaganda that they want to hear.
The majority of the population just do not understand how a sociopath operates. They just cannot comprehend that there are people who are more than willing to use any ideology to their own advantage. Trump could just as easily run for the Democrat Party and adopt their entire lexicon of ideology and policies, and he would not lose a minute of sleep over it.
Emperor Trump and his techno-nut oligarchs just unveiled a $500 billion plan to turn the USA into a massive, Orwellian panopticon police state by establishing hundreds of data centers. OpenAI, Softbank and Oracle are planning a joint venture called Stargate, Mr. Trump said in a White House briefing.
Then Captain Warp Speed doubled down on plans to murder more Americans by creating thousands of new MRNA lethal injections, that will cure the cancer that the last lethal injections caused!
But wait, RFK Jr. said he was going to fix everything!
Robert F. Kennedy is meanwhile silent as a tomb since the election. He hasn’t posted on social media in nearly a month, and the last thing we heard from him was that he was NOT going to “take away your vaccines.” He then said he was going to focus on red food coloring.
The highlight of this year’s Davos Greedfest was Donald Trump’s speech, which he gave remotely. The packed hall cheered like they loved him. Afterwards, the respectful panel had a nice exchange with His Highness. WEF president Borge Brende, CEO of Bank of America, Brian Moynihan, and Anna Motin, Executive director of Santander Bank, asked some nice softball questions. At this rate, Trump is going to need another line of that white powder he is so fond of, in order to stay awake.
Any hostility from the Davos Club towards Trump is purely imaginary. His demand that OPEC lower oil prices and the world bankers drop interest rates is hardly a revolutionary confrontation.
What Trump neglects to mention in all of his speeches is the escalating homelessness, cost of living increase, opioid addiction, vaccine injuries and the overall global slide into the abyss. He also never mentions that the US government is spraying its population with toxic aerosols, nor does he mention any of the hot button branding topics of the WEF, like the Great Reset, Stakeholder Capitalism, or the 4th Industrial Revolution.
Neither does he mention the ongoing public massacre of Palestinians in Gaza, who are being slaughtered on behalf of Emperor Trump’s masters, to pave the way for a new Smart City, canal projects, condos, oceanfront resorts and gas exploration.
In closing, I have a skill-testing question for you:
What do you call 3,000 globalist vampires jammed into a small village in the Swiss Alps?
A window of opportunity.
What a massive does of REALITY for the Trump Cult!
(I am a FORMER supporter of TRAITOR Trump, until he unleashed the 'CV19" PsyOp on AMERICA/AMERICANS!)
Excellently written. To quote Putin: "You made me laugh." ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JvpVzjqKGrE&t=8s )
Unfortunately, most people have no idea how far ahead these psychopaths, for whom the world is not enough, are technologically.