Romanian translation available and here
It must be emphasized that the Bavarian Illuminati was a product of the Age of Enlightenment—an era based on several interlocking ideas that are the ideological glue that cements our modern world together. It is, however, a faulty adhesive that is coming unglued right before our eyes.
The core belief of the Enlightenment, and our modern age, is that the acquisition of truth is only valid through empirical evidence using the scientific method. Religion is not considered a valid source of truth. Neither is personal experience, which is considered “anecdotal evidence” by our autistic data-focused society. Scientists are often presented as arbitrators of truth, due to their imagined unbiased and sober judgement. Atheism is not considered a worldview—it is considered the intellectual standard of objectivity.
The Age of Enlightenment was an explosion of philosophy, science, civil rights and secularism that competed directly with the traditional teachings of the Church, and the Jesuit control of the Universities and Colleges in medieval Europe. The Enlightenment was a secular revolution that overthrew the dominance of the Christian Church and its political consort, the monarchy.
The Secular Revolt gave birth to secularism, humanism, atheism and materialism. It also triggered the scientific revolution, and the adjacent gains in civil rights and freedoms, that became enshrined in national and international charters.
The Jacobin, Freemason and Illuminati cults were instrumental in advancing the ideas and ideals of the Enlightenment. Among the chief advocates were Voltaire, Rousseau, D’Holbach, Diderot, David Hume and d’Alembert.
The Enlightenment was preceded by the works of scientists, such as Johannes Kepler, Galileo Galilei, Francis Bacon and Isaac Newton, as well as the rationalist philosophy of Descartes, Hobbes, Spinoza, Leibniz, and John Locke.
Initially, they were opposed to the ecclesiastical dogmatism of the Church, but eventually they began a revolt against God himself. Modern militant atheism is an ideology that seeks the destruction and eradication of all religions, especially Christianity.
One of the most vocal promoters of militant atheism, the late Christopher Hitchens—a quintessential Enlightenment ideologue—argued that we cannot have a Utopian world until “we banish all religions.” From the conclusion of his book, God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything:
“Above all, we are in need of a renewed Enlightenment … The pursuit of unfettered scientific inquiry, and the availability of new findings to masses of people by easy electronic means, will revolutionize our concepts of research and development … on the sole condition that we banish all religions from the discourse. And all this and more is, for the first time in our history, within the reach if not the grasp of everyone.”
Politically, this militant secular atheism led directly to communism, socialism, fascism and neoliberal capitalism. More ominously, the totalitarian nations who fought in the two world wars were the direct result of the Secular Revolt.
Any government can be totalitarian—the medieval Church was a totalitarian empire that ruled Europe. The regimes of Iran and Saudi Arabia are totalitarian Islamic republics. Nazi Germany, Stalinist USSR, Imperial Japan and Mussolini’s Italy were all totalitarian regimes of different flavours.
In North America and Europe, we have descended into totalitarian democratic media-controlled states—nations who outwardly proclaim democracy, and then proceed to violate every tenet of these same democratic ideals through the suppression of individual liberties. The media that only speaks what the corporate state allows is ample proof. And this secularism is by no means confined to the West.
The Chinese Communist Party mandates that its officials not take part in public religious ceremonies, and uphold atheism when they hold public office and when they retire.
“Party members should not have religious beliefs, which is a redline for all members. Party members should be firm Marxist atheists, obey party rules and stick to the party's faith. They are not allowed to seek value and belief in religion,” Wang Zuoan, director of the State Administration for Religious Affairs (SARA) wrote in an article released in the Qiushi Journal in 2017, the flagship magazine of the CCP Central Committee.
Atheism is the certain road to war.
Though I dread to even say it, if the above is a true statement, then China’s atheist dragon will eventually be unleashed on the world.
John Robison, a Scottish physicist and professor, published Proofs of a Conspiracy Against All the Religions and Governments of Europe in 1797. This polemic book is one of the first books ever written that theorized about a conspiracy for world domination. Robison accused the Order of the Illuminati, founded by Jesuit lawyer, Adam Weishaupt of infiltrating the Freemasons. Robison claimed that both organizations were engaged in a clandestine conspiracy to undermine Christianity and the governments of Europe.
Robison was himself a lapsed Freemason, who left the order for 20 years, and then returned to find it completely changed. He claimed,
“The lodges had become the haunts of many projectors and fanatics, both in science, in religion, and in politics, who had availed themselves of the secrecy and freedom of speech maintained in these meetings. ... In their hands Freemasonry became a thing totally unlike, and almost in direct opposition to, the system imported from England, where the rule was observed that nothing touching religion or government shall ever bespoken of in the lodges. . . . The Association, in fact, was all a cheat, and the leaders . . . disbelieved every word that they uttered and every doctrine that they taught . . . their real intention was to abolish all religion, overturn every government, and make the world a general plunder and wreck.”
Key Points of Robison’s Book:
John Robison was a professor of natural philosophy and secretary to the Royal Society in Edinburgh. He invented the siren and an early steam car. He became disenchanted with the French Revolution and its perceived threats to established institutions.
He alleged that Freemasonry, particularly its Scottish Rite, had been infiltrated by the Illuminati, a secret society founded by Adam Weishaupt on May 1st, 1776.
Initially, Illumination was a designation for a group of outstanding and enlightened individuals in society. The word was adapted from a Latin root, Iluminatus, which directly translates to “enlightened.” Weishaupt adopted the name of “Spartacus” within the order, and his second-in-command, Baron Adolph Knigge dubbed himself “Philo.”
“The association of which I have been speaking is the Order of Illuminati, founded, in 1775, by Dr. Adam Weishaupt, professor of Canon law in the university of Ingolstadt, and abolished in 1786 by the Elector of Bavaria, but revived immediately after, under another name, and in a different form, all over Germany. It was again detected, and seemingly broken up; but it had by this time taken so deep root that it still subsists without being detected, and has spread into all the countries of Europe … This person had been educated among the Jesuits; but the abolition of their order made him change his views, and from being their pupil, he became their most bitter enemy.”
Robison claimed that both Freemasons and Illuminati held secret meetings and exchanged ideas, with the goal of subverting Christian values and governments. He argued that this conspiracy was responsible for various social and political upheavals, including the French Revolution:
“That the Illuminati and other hidden Cosmo-political societies had some influence in bringing about the French Revolution, or at least in accelerating it, can hardly be doubted.”
“Thus stood matters in 1790, when the French Revolution began to take a serious turn. The intelligent saw in the open system of the Jacobins the complete hidden system of the Illuminati. We knew that this system included the whole world in its aims, and France was only the place of its first explosion. The Propaganda works in every corner to this hour, and its emissaries run about in all the four quarters of the world, and are to be found in numbers in every city that is a seat of government.”
The Jacobins were the militant political arm of the Freemasons and the Illuminati, who conspired and schemed to foment a violent revolution in France, that resulted in the execution of at least 10,000 people by the infamous guillotine.
“In short, we may assert with confidence, that the Mason Lodges in France were the hot-beds, where the seeds were sown, and tenderly reared, of all the pernicious doctrines which soon after choked every moral or religious cultivation, and have made the Society worse than a waste, have made it a noisome marsh of human corruption, filled with every rank and poisonous weed.”
The Jacobins were dominated by Comte Mirabeau who was elected its president in December, 1790. He was recruited by Weishaupt after Mirabeau fell out of favour with the French court, due to his obnoxious behaviour, atheism and arrogance.
“Mirabeau had a large portion of that self-conceit which distinguishes his countrymen. He thought himself qualified not only for any high office in administration, but even for managing the whole affairs of the new King. He therefore endeavoured to obtain some post of honour. But he was disappointed, and, in revenge, did every thing in his power to make those in administration the objects of public ridicule and reproach. His licentious and profligate manners were such as excluded him from the society of the people of the first classes, whom it behoved to pay some attention to personal dignity. His opinions were in the highest degree corrupted, and he openly professed Atheism. Highly obnoxious by such conduct, he was excluded from any chance of preferment, and was exceedingly out of humour. In this state of mind he was in a fit frame for Illumination.”
Another influential book, by Augustin Barruel, who was a French journalist, intellectual, and Jesuit priest—he is known as the father of modern conspiracy theory in academic circles. His claim to fame is in setting forth the conspiracy theory involving the Bavarian Illuminati and the Jacobins, in his book Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism published in 1797.
In short, Barruel wrote that the French Revolution was planned and executed by secret societies who constituted a single sect that numbered over 300,000 members. They were “all zealous for the Revolution, and all ready to rise at the first signal and to impart the shock to all others classes of the people.”
“At an early period of the French Revolution, there appeared a Sect calling itself JACOBIN, and teaching that all men were equal and free! In the name of their Equality and disorganizing Liberty, they trampled under foot the altar and the throne; they stimulated all nations to rebellion, and aimed at plunging them ultimately into the horrors of anarchy. At its first appearance, this Sect counted 300,000 adepts; and it was supported by two millions of men, scattered through France, armed with torches and pikes, and all the fire-brands of revolution. It was under the auspices of this Sect, and by their intrigues, influence, and impulse, that France beheld itself a prey to every crime; that its soil was stained with the blood of its pontiffs and priests, of its rich men and nobles; with the blood of every class of its citizens, without regard to rank, age, or sex!”
The first volume examines the anti-Christian (anti-Christ) conspiracy that began with Voltaire in 1728. Barruel claimed that Voltaire “consecrated his life to the annihilation of Christianity.” The final designs of the coalition of the philosophers, the Freemasons and the Illuminati were achieved by the Jacobins. These clubs were formed by “the adepts of impiety, the adepts of rebellion, and the adepts of anarchy” working together to implement their radical agenda to overthrow the monarchy and the Church and install a secular republic.
“Every sensible man, every honourable man, must hold the Christian sect in horror. Christianity is the most ridiculous, the most absurd and bloody religion that has ever infected the world. Nothing can be more contrary to religion and the clergy than reason and common sense. If we believe absurdities, we shall commit atrocities.”
Barruel claimed that the proponents of the Enlightenment led people into illusion and error, and he referred to the philosophers as “Writers of this species, so far from enlightening the people, only contribute to lead them into the path of error.” He alleged that Voltaire, Jean le Rond d’Alembert, Denis Diderot, and Frederick II, the King of Prussia, plotted and planned the course of events that led to the French Revolution.
They began with an attack on the Church where a “subterranean warfare of illusion, error, and darkness waged by the Sect” attempted to destroy Christianity. The influence of the Enlightenment philosophers could not be underrated, according to Barruel, because they created the intellectual framework that put the conspiracy in motion and controlled the ideology of the secret societies.
Edmund Burke, who is widely regarded, especially in the United States, as the philosophical founder of conservatism, was also the French Revolution’s intellectual foe. He was impressed by Barruel's work, uncovering a connection between the Enlightenment and the French Revolution.
Burke wrote a letter to Barruel and expressed his admiration. “I cannot easily express to you how much I am instructed and delighted by the first volume of your History of Jacobinism.” He praised “the whole of the wonderful narrative” for being supported by documents and proofs with “the most judicial regularity and exactness.”
At the end of the letter Burke added: “I forgot to say, that I have known myself, personally, five of your principal conspirators; and I can undertake to say from my own certain knowledge, that as far back as the year 1773, they were busy in the plot you have so well described, and in the manner, and on the principle you have so truly represented. To this I can speak as a witness.”
Burke’s own works were also filled with references to the philosophical sect and a dislike for their “fanaticism, atheism and perversion of public morals.”
Burke predicted the rise of Napoleon Bonaparte in his influential work “Reflections on the Revolution in France” (1790). Burke foresaw that the chaos of the French Revolution would lead to a military strongman emerging, commanding the army’s allegiance, and ultimately dominating the fledgling republic. This prophecy was eerily fulfilled when Napoleon staged a coup in 1799 and went on to conquer much of Europe, resulting in 4.5 million deaths.
Barruel's book was the inspiration for several famous writers, notably Mary Shelley.
In an epic twist of irony, the World Economic Forum, (the new hub of Jacobins, Freemasons and Illuminated sociopaths) meets in Davos every year. It is actually headquartered in the tiny town of Cologny, 265 miles west of Geneva. One of Cologny’s claims to fame is that a group of Romantic poets and writers spent the summer there in 1816: Lord Byron, John Polidori, Mary Shelley and Percy Bysshe Shelley. Due to the poor weather, the guests spent days indoors telling each other horror stories. Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and John Polidori's The Vampyre, were the result of these fireplace sessions.
Just to refresh your memory, Frankenstein is the story of a mad scientist who creates a monster out of used body parts, and The Vampyre is the story of a blood-sucking aristocrat who preys upon society.
The Enlightenment rejected Christianity’s core teaching that man was born in a sinful state, fallen from perfection, and in need of redemption to save him from death. They concluded that human beings were born good and free, but were enslaved by bad institutions and conventions. Rousseau famously said, “Man is born free, yet everywhere he is in chains.”
They began to believe that if only man could be freed from the corruption of society and its artificial conventions, freed from the burden of property, of the state, of the clergy, and of the rules of matrimony, then humanity could rise to heights undreamed of before—could, indeed, become a kind of superman, practically a god.
The superman or godman was a theme taken up primarily by German philosopher, Frederich Nietschze, in his concept of the Übermensch (literally, over man):
"Behold, I teach you the Übermensch. The Übermensch is the meaning of the earth. Let your will say: the Übermensch shall be the meaning of the earth! I beseech you, my brothers, remain faithful to the earth, and do not believe those who speak to you of otherworldly hopes! Poison-mixers are they, whether they know it or not. Despisers of life are they, decaying and poisoned themselves, of whom the earth is weary: so let them go.
Once the sin against God was the greatest sin; but God died, and these sinners died with him. To sin against the earth is now the most dreadful thing, and to esteem the entrails of the unknowable higher than the meaning of the earth.”
—Thus Spake Zarathustra
The transhumanist ideas expressed by today’s Davos Cult are the ideological descendants of Vampirism, Frankenstein monsters and the Enlightenment’s self-centered need for human ego gratification.
This latent racial supremacy found expression during the rise of the Third Reich, when the Nazis attempted to create their own Übermensch, and the subhuman Untermensch which included Jews, Slavs, Gypsies, Gays and other non-Aryans.
Nietzsche predicted that a new elite who would rule the world. In his magnum opus, The Will to Power, he is enthusiastic in anticipating that, “A daring and ruler race is building itself up ... The aim should be to prepare a transvaluation of values for a particularly strong kind of man, most highly gifted in intellect and will. This man and the elite around him will become the 'lords of the earth'."
William Shirer mentioned the influence of Nietzsche on the Nazis in his book, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich:
“Yet I think no one who lived in the Third Reich could have failed to be impressed by Nietzsche's influence on it. His books might be full, as Santayana said, of ‘genial imbecility’ and ‘boyish blasphemies.’ Yet Nazi scribblers never tired of extolling him. Hitler often visited the Nietzsche museum in Weimar and publicized his veneration for the philosopher by posing for photographs of himself staring in rapture at the bust of the great man.
There was some ground for this appropriation of Nietzsche as one of the originators of the Nazi Weltanschauung [worldview]. Had not the philosopher thundered against democracy and parliaments, preached the will to power, praised war and proclaimed the coming of the master race and the superman--and in the most telling aphorisms? A Nazi could proudly quote him on almost every conceivable subject, and did.
It was this spirit of false liberty which set the French Revolution on fire. It was this spirit which prompted the outburst of self-reliance and optimism that characterized the whole period, from the late 1700’s, up until 1914, when World War I broke out and shattered this false hope to bits.
If man is in reality, a god-like creature whose ungodly behaviour, (otherwise known as sin and evil) are due only to the frustrations of social conventions, there is no need to worry about service to God or devotion to our heavenly destiny. Man can accomplish most by service to himself and devotion to the political, social and economic goals of this world.
The Enlightenment ideas were also the early sparks of the human potential movement—currently joined at the hip with the New Age Movement—that teaches if only we can be freed from social restrictions, we can achieve greatness in this universe of time and space. The New Age Movement is a by-product of the Secular Revolt—in some ways, the New Age Movement can be categorized as spiritual atheism, because they are opposed, at the core, to a monotheistic God, especially the Christian God.
Thus came the triumph of secularism that has infected all governments and societies across the globe, infiltrating and destroying everything in its path.
Accordingly, Adam Weishaupt claimed, in his Apology for Illuminatism, that “Deism, Infidelity, and Atheism are more prevalent in Bavaria” than in any country he was acquainted with. Is it any wonder that the geographical heart of atheism gave birth to the most dangerous cult in human history?
Robison further stated that “Weishaupt had long been scheming the establishment of an Association or Order, which, in time, should govern the world.”
Weishaupt was arrested, after it was discovered that he was the head and founder of the Order. Some Illuminati secret documents were intercepted in 1784. They were interpreted as seditious by the state, and the Society was banned by the government of Karl Theodor, Elector of Bavaria.
Weishaupt was deprived of his Professor's chair, and banished from the Bavarian states, albeit with a pension of 800 florins, which he refused. He relocated to Regensburgh, on the confines of Switzerland.
During the investigation, several factors were revealed:
The Order was said to renounce Christianity, and admission was refused into the higher degrees to all who adhered to any of the three confessions of the Church.
Sensual pleasures was elevated and encouraged.
Taking the education of children out of the hands of the parents.
Dissolution of marriage.
Suicide was justified on Stoic principles.
In the Lodges death was declared an “eternal sleep.”
Patriotism and loyalty were called narrow-minded prejudices, incompatible with universal benevolence.
Continual declamations were made that liberty and equality were the unalienable rights of man.
The harmful influence of accumulated property was declared an insurmountable obstacle to the happiness of any nation, whose chief laws were framed for its protection and increase.
Nothing was so frequently discussed as the employing, for a good purpose, the means which the wicked employed for evil purposes. The Machiavellian Principle of the means justifying the ends was upheld—wisdom and virtue consisted in properly determining how to balance using evil for good purposes. It was this key concept that led to the Reign of Terror in 1793.
“To utilize for good purposes the very means which that order employed for evil ends, such was his pet design.”
— Baron Knigge
Weishaupt’s original name for the new order was Bund der Perfektibilisten, or Covenant of Perfectibility, but he later changed it because it sounded too strange. He briefly toyed with the idea of changing the name to The Society of the Bees, because he admired the orderly nature of bees, whose division of labour of drones, queens and soldiers, create what scientists call eusocial societies, The hereditary caste system of bees is also a key ingredient to the cabal’s plans for an apartheid global police state of rulers and drones.
They took the Owl of Minerva as their symbol. Recruits were called Minervals. Once they had been accepted they were known as a Novice, and then an Illuminatus Minor. In Greek mythology, a little owl traditionally represents or accompanies Athena, the virgin goddess of wisdom, known as Minerva.
If three years lapsed without further notice, and if the Minerval was found not fit to move up, he remained a Free Mason of the lower class. This was called a Sta bene. (Italian for “he is fine.”)
But should his Superiors judge more favourably of him, he was drawn out of the general mass of Free Masons, and became Illuminatus Minor.
Weishaupt wrote, “This is the great object held out by this Association, and the means of attaining it is Illumination, enlightening the understanding by the sun of reason, which will dispel the clouds of superstition and of prejudice. The proficients in this Order are therefore justly named the Illuminated.”
The candidate is then introduced to an Illuminatus Dirigens, and he must take an oath, “For the Order wishes to be secret, and to work in silence; for thus it is better secured from the oppression of the ruling powers, and because this secrecy gives a greater zest to the whole.”
“I hereby bind myself, by mine honour and good name, forswearing all mental reservation, never to reveal, by hint, word, writing, or in any manner whatever, even to my most trusted friend, any thing that shall now be said or done to me respecting my wished-for reception, and this whether my reception shall follow or not, I being previously assured that it shall contain nothing contrary to religion, the state, nor good manners. I promise, that I shall make no intelligible extract from any papers which shall be shewn me now or during my noviciate. All this I swear, as I am, and as I hope to continue, a Man of Honour.”
It is historically accurate to state that the doings of the Illuminati were known to many influential men of the time. George Washington was one of them. In letters exchanged between himself and Reverend Snyder, who sent him a copy of Robison’s book, he mentioned, “I have heard much of the nefarious, and dangerous plan, and doctrines of the Illuminati … It was not my intention to doubt that, the Doctrines of the Illuminati, and principles of Jacobinism had not spread in the United States. On the contrary, no one is more truly satisfied of this fact than I am. The idea that I meant to convey, was, that I did not believe that the Lodges of Free Masons in this Country had, as Societies endeavoured to propagate the diabolical tenets of the first, or pernicious principles of the latter (if they are susceptible of separation.)”
“In violent opposition to all this sphere of Jewish effort rise the schemes of the International Jews. The adherents of this sinister confederacy are mostly men reared up among the unhappy populations of countries, where Jews are persecuted on account of their race. Most, if not all, of them have forsaken the faith of their forefathers, and divorced from their minds all spiritual hopes of the next world. This movement among the Jews is not new. From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, and down to Trotsky (Russia), Bela Kun (Hungary), Rosa Luxembourg (Germany), and Emma Goldman (United States), this world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing. It played, as a modern writer, Mrs. Webster, has so ably shown, a definitely recognizable part in the tragedy of the French Revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the Nineteenth Century; and now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire.”
—Writing on 'Zionism versus Bolshevism' in the Illustrated Sunday Herald, February 1920
The Mrs. Webster that Churchill is referring to is Nesta Helen Webster, an English author who revived conspiracy theories about the Illuminati.
She wrote:
“The truth is that for the last 145 years the fire of revolution has smouldered steadily beneath the ancient structure of civilization, and already at moments has burst out into flame threatening to destroy to its very foundations that social: edifice which eighteen centuries have been spent in constructing. The crisis of to-day is then no development of modern times, but a mere continuation of the immense movement that began in the middle of the eighteenth century. In a word, it is all one and the same revolution—the revolution that found its first expression in France of 1789. Both in its nature and its aims it differs entirely from former revolutions which had for their origin some localized or temporary cause. The revolution through which we are now passing is not local but universal, it is not political but social, and its causes must be sought not in popular discontent, but in a deep-laid conspiracy that uses the people to their own undoing.”
The benefits of the Secular Revolt should not be ignored.
The Secular Revolt triggered the scientific revolution, through the activities and literature of the Enlightenment thinkers and their scientific predecessors. The amazing technology, that we take for granted, such as global transportation and communication are the direct result of this scientific revolution.
Some of the alternative community have become bitter towards science, due to the gross abuses of science by billionaire technocrats, who set their black hearts on a technocratic apartheid police state, but most of the alternative community would not become Amish, and return to a frontier life without computers, cell phones and cars.
The Enlightenment also gave rise to great gains in civil rights and freedoms, that resulted in some of the most free and democratic societies in world history. The American Constitution became the pattern for successive charters of rights and freedoms.
The strides made in equal rights for blacks, women, gays and minorities should not be overlooked. Up until the 1920’s, for just one example, women did not have the basic right to vote, nor were they given the political or financial power that goes with it. Our planet lived under a gendered apartheid state for thousands and thousands of years.
The Enlightenment thinkers rejected the ecclesiasticism and dogmatism of the Church, but appropriated the best of its teachings, which are primarily those of Jesus of Nazareth. I intentionally differentiate between the human teacher Jesus of Nazareth and the Christian messiah, Jesus Christ. Though these are one and the same person, the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth are a far cry from those taught by Christianity. Many things that the Church teaches were never taught by Jesus of Nazareth, and the cream of his teachings has, for the most part, been ignored by the Church for 2000 years.
These significant gains in civil rights are attributable to the unconscious work of Jesus of Nazareth, who taught such radical ideas like:
“There is no Jew or Gentile in the kingdom of heaven.”
“Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.”
“Go, sell all that you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.’”
I can’t imagine the Joel Osteens of the world giving that last verse more than a cursory glance. Most of today’s openly professing Christians are actually secular humanists in disguise, who have likewise abandoned Christianity, and only give lip service to a weekly cultural ritual.
The abandonment of Christianity by the West, caused a power vacuum that the Bavarians, Jacobins and Vampires were only too happy to fill. The world has yet to experience the full consequences of this, but it is coming. Vampires need blood to survive, and there will be more blood spilled, until the human race returns to its spiritual roots.
“He had required, to enhance his gratification, that his victim, the partner of his guilt, should be hurled from the pinnacle of unsullied virtue, down to the lowest abyss of infamy and degradation.”
― John William Polidori, The Vampyre
The issue is not atheism vs religion.
It's that there's fanatics on both sides that refuse to see reality and live in a fantasy world.
Whoever is adamant that there is a god or there is no god fails to understand that it's not provable nor improvable.
As Robert Anton Wilson said "I believe nothing".
Belief in the unknowable is a delusion, whether it's about god and heaven or transhumanism and the singularity.
Thoroughly fascinating read 👏🤝🤩 Thank you ☺️