By now, everyone in ALTCOM (the alternative community) is aware of the Great Reset. There has been an enormous volume of attention driven by ALTCOM over this World Economic Forum branding. It should be pointed out that the themes of the WEF are indeed branding, marketing and public relations strategies. The buzz words created by Klaus Schwab and his fellow vampires, such as the Great Reset, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Stakeholder Capitalism, 15-Minute Cities, Sustainable Development Goals and many others, are all designed to present a sanitised, benevolent, positive image to the world.
Just a reminder: Vampires are interested in you because they want to drink your blood until you are dead, and not because they have altruistic motives for your well-being.
In an article, written by Siemens chair, Jim Hagemann Snabe, who is also a WEF trustee, discusses The Great Acceleration. Siemens is the largest industrial manufacturing company in Europe, and holds the position of global market leader in industrial automation and industrial software.
Snabe does some WEF-splaining to help any proles reading his bile:
“2021 was the first year of the Decade of Action proclaimed by the United Nations – a decade that, the idea goes, will bring about a sharp acceleration of sustainable solutions for the world’s biggest problems.”
The Decade of Action is the plan “to end poverty, rescue the planet and build a peaceful world.”
Beware of vampires who tell you they want to “rescue the planet.”
According to the United Nations, “The Decade of Action calls for accelerating sustainable solutions to all the world’s biggest challenges—ranging from poverty and gender to climate change, inequality and closing the finance gap.”
Here is where we begin to see this repeated theme of the need for accelerating various goals.
Reichsminister Snabe concludes his propaganda, by saying:
Ultimately, even those who hesitate will join—because climate action will no longer be a leap of faith or a benchmark in business, it will be the new normal. This is a leadership moment. In this Decade of Action, it’s up to us to make the “Great Acceleration” happen and deliver on the Paris Agreement by acting now.
The Great Acceleration is a term, coined by geo-biosphere scientists to describe the period, beginning in 1950, when technology kicked off rapid global development, that allegedly sparked an increased level of CO2 and thus, climate change. These scientists believe we are heading into a new geological era called the Anthropocene.
A more thorough definition is provided by Wikipedia:
The Great Acceleration is the dramatic, continuous and roughly simultaneous surge across a large range of measures of human activity, first recorded in the mid-20th century and continuing into the early 21st century. Within the concept of the proposed epoch of the Anthropocene, these measures are specifically those of humanity's impact on Earth's geology and its ecosystems. Within the Anthropocene epoch, the Great Acceleration can be variously classified as its only age to date, one of its many ages (depending on the epoch's proposed start date), or its defining feature that is thus not an age, as well as other classifications.
The WEF’s primary strategic analyst, McKinsey & Co., also has a lot to say about the Great Acceleration:
Just as an earthquake produces a sudden release of pent-up force, the economic shock set off by the pandemic has accelerated and intensified trends that were already underway. The result is a dramatic widening of the gap between those at the top and the bottom of the power curve of economic profit—the winners and losers in the global corporate-performance race.
Along with the accelerated pace of change, however, comes a unique opportunity to unlock big strategic moves.
Virtually all the commentary pumped out by cabal members points to the COVID-19 crisis as the accelerator of rapid change. In a podcast, hosted by McKinsey, senior analyst, Nicolas Northcote discusses The Great Acceleration:
Additionally, I would argue that some of the trends accelerated by COVID-19 will not reverse after the crisis. For example, a grocer in China that opened 3,000 order-and-collect spots around urban centers is not planning to shut any of them down. When we recently ran a survey asking a hundred people in our network about their innovations driven by the recent disruption, roughly 70 said they do not expect most of them to revert back to pre-COVID-19 status, which speaks to the longer-term nature of these trends.
Northcote points out, in veiled terms, complete with cool graphs, that the billionaire class raped the world’s economy during the pandemic: “we see the top sectors pulling further away from those at the bottom.”
This theme of acceleration was echoed by the Trump Administration’s aptly named, Operation Warp Speed.
The Orange Messiah spoke in grandiose terms when he announced, “We’re going to fast track the vaccine like you’ve never seen it before.”
For more on Trump’s nastiness:
BioNTech’s development program aimed at creating a vaccine against COVID-19 was called Project Lightspeed, and it was initiated in January 2020, when COVID was barely a sniffle in the noses of the world.
Head of BioNTech, Dr. Sahin said in an interview in the New York Times, “There are not too many companies on the planet which have the capacity and the competence to do it so fast as we can do it, so it felt not like an opportunity, but a duty to do it, because I realized we could be among the first coming up with a vaccine.”
BioNTech sold shares to the public, and in 2020, its market value soared past $21 billion, making the couple who founded the company, among the richest in Germany, proving that serial killers often making a killing (pun intended).
Former Goldman Sachs CEO and chairman of Chatham House, Jim O’Neil chimed in on September 2020:
“Despite all of the doom and gloom of the past six months, much of the global economy continues to show signs of a sharp recovery from the pandemic-induced collapse this spring. And while nothing is guaranteed, a number of favorable structural factors make a further acceleration highly likely … Whenever a vaccine is made widely available, a further acceleration in economic activity can be expected.”
Translation: When O’Neil refers to the “global economy” what he really means is the “globalists’ economy,” and when he says “pandemic-induced collapse,” what he really means is “globalist-induced collapse.”
The “doom and gloom” he makes light of include things like thousands of small businesses going bankrupt, millions of people killed by COVID, millions of people killed by the vaxx, billions more vaccine injured and untold millions of lives made significantly worse by the actions of a handful of serial killers.
Just to interject and interrupt myself, here’s my new favorite theme song:
In a WEF article, from June of 2024, entitled “New Report Charts Ethical AI Roadmap to Accelerate Social Innovation,” the vampires discuss how they can ethically drink the blood of the planet.
The article cites a white paper report where the theme of accelerating the goals of the cabal is repeated:
Yet, as the 2030 deadline for the Sustainable Development Goals looms, significant gaps remain in the impact targets set by businesses and governments to ensure a just, equitable and sustainable world for all. Achieving these goals demands nothing less than collective action and a certain leapfrogging to accelerate the speed at which the targets are being met. The emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) presents a transformative opportunity for social innovators, non-profits, businesses and governments alike.
The paper, “draws inspiration from thought leadership published by the World Economic Forum’s AI Governance Alliance and is informed by the expertise of a network of social innovators and intermediaries on the frontline of change.”
Social innovators = social engineers
The WEF website claims there are “477 change leaders directly improving the lives of 891 million people.”
The WEF lists a handful of these social innovators, who are do-gooders, mostly young, that have created non-profits to help disadvantaged people through innovative technological solutions. One of the main goals of the WEF is to capture all the world’s leaders, influencers, innovators, entrepreneurs and scientists from a young age, and corral them into the WEF umbrella, where they are protected, coddled and steered into the greater goals of the cabal.
You do not need to control the entire population of the world in order to conquer it. You only need to control the key people, something that Schwab, the Great Accelerationist, has accomplished. The pandemic revealed the near-universal conquest of every national leader, healthcare official, media and corporate CEO, as well as union leaders, journalists and a vast range of other assorted influential people.
Accelerationism is a range of revolutionary and reactionary ideas that call for the drastic intensification of capitalist growth, technological change, infrastructure sabotage and other processes of social change to destabilise existing systems and create radical social transformations, otherwise referred to as “acceleration.”
From a Guardian article by Andy Beckett:
Accelerationists argue that technology, particularly computer technology, and capitalism, particularly the most aggressive, global variety, should be massively sped up and intensified – either because this is the best way forward for humanity, or because there is no alternative. Accelerationists favour automation. They favour the further merging of the digital and the human. They often favour the deregulation of business, and drastically scaled-back government. They believe that people should stop deluding themselves that economic and technological progress can be controlled. They often believe that social and political upheaval has a value in itself.
Accelerationism, therefore, goes against conservatism, traditional socialism, social democracy, environmentalism, protectionism, populism, nationalism, localism and all the other ideologies that have sought to moderate or reverse the already hugely disruptive, seemingly runaway pace of change in the modern world. “Accelerationism is a political heresy,” write Robin Mackay and Armen Avanessian in their introduction to #Accelerate: The Accelerationist Reader, a sometimes baffling, sometimes exhilarating book, published in 2014, which remains the only proper guide to the movement in existence.
Beckett is also keenly aware of the nefarious nature of Donald Trump, and points out that,
“The disruptive US election campaign and manic presidency of Donald Trump, and his ultra-capitalist, anti-government policies, have been seen by an increasing number of observers – some alarmed, some delighted – as the first mainstream manifestation of an accelerationist politics.”
The Great Acceleration is a billionaires’ revolution, that is happening in real time. The goal is the complete overthrow of all human institutions, and the capture of all human activities. It involves the tracking and tracing of every single human being on the planet. The insidious murderous need of the sociopathic billionaire class, designed to give themselves the ultimate ego-stroking adventure, is also a suicidal mission that will bring nothing but pain and misery—and in the end, it will lead to war, civil unrest and world wide disaster.
And all of this so-called Great Acceleration is only created to provide a platform of self-aggrandisement for these nefarious, scheming, malicious psychopaths.
Soon, and very soon, there will be a counter-revolution of the people, who will rise up and exterminate, with extreme prejudice, the agenda of the above-mentioned nutjobs. You heard it here first. The Great Deceleration is coming, hot on the heels of the Great Acceleration, when the people finally wake up, find their moxy, and put the brakes on the globalists’ unsustainable goals, and thus end the careers of these selfish, greedy bastards, once and for all.
I am looking forward to the grand finale of this epic tragedy.
Hi 009,
Can I just clarify, for anyone who may think the term 'vampires', is emotive; the uber wealthy do actually believe that transfusions of 'young blood' will keep them young. They literally are vampires.
From Wikipedia:
Young blood transfusion refers to transfusing blood specifically from a young person into an older one with the intention of creating a health benefit.[1] The efficacy and safety of young blood transfusions for anti-aging purposes remain a subject of debate in the scientific community, with limited clinical evidence in humans.[1][2][3] There are also concerns of harm.[3] While some preclinical studies on animals suggest potential benefits, there is a lack of robust clinical evidence to support its use in humans.[4][5][6][7][8][9] The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, in 2019, cautioned "consumers against receiving young donor plasma infusions" stating that they are an "unproven treatment".[3]
Some even draining blood from their own children.
Seriously. These people are insane. Yet they get away with it because money is power.
In today's world, we are privileged to witness historical events firsthand and shape narratives that challenge mainstream perspectives—a vital endeavor. But for how long? [] History and social science have taught me that tyranny has both a beginning and an end. While societies rarely resort to extreme measures against their leaders, parallels can be found in the natural world. For example, New Scientist reported a striking case in Senegal: Chimpanzees killed and cannibalized their former alpha, Foudouko. This rare event sheds light on the dynamics of betrayal and coalition-building. Dr. Yeadon's observations align with Gustave Le Bon's theories on crowd psychology. In The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind, Le Bon explains that leaders who betray their followers’ trust can trigger intense emotional reactions, leading to impulsive and collective actions. This phenomenon, referred to as the "Le Bon effect," reflects the social unrest that emerges when prolonged repression stifles a society’s freedom. History also demonstrates that sustaining strict control through repression, censorship, and surveillance is ultimately unsustainable. Key reasons include: Economic Strain: Maintaining surveillance and large-scale security infrastructures drains financial resources, diverting them from essential sectors like education and healthcare. Social Unrest: Persistent repression breeds widespread dissatisfaction, increasing the likelihood of rebellion or resistance. In recent history, no oppressive regime has endured indefinitely. The combination of public dissatisfaction, economic challenges, and external pressures inevitably forces change. Over time, these regimes must either adapt or collapse under their inherent instability. Some governments respond by easing restrictions, implementing reforms, or transitioning to more democratic systems. South Korea provides an example, evolving from authoritarian rule to democracy in the late 20th century under significant internal and external demands for change. In contrast, regimes that resist adaptation often face sudden and dramatic collapse. The Soviet Union, for instance, disintegrated due to widespread dissatisfaction and economic decline. Romania’s history offers another vivid example. Nicolae Ceaușescu's authoritarian regime fell in 1989 during a popular uprising fueled by years of oppression and economic mismanagement. This collapse highlights how accumulated grievances, declining resources, and external pressures can dismantle even the most entrenched regimes. History underscores that no tyranny has lasted indefinitely. The pressure to maintain control in the face of growing dissatisfaction, economic hardship, and external challenges ensures that oppressive systems eventually transform through gradual reform or abrupt collapse. These regimes are inherently unsustainable in the long term. While some regimes, such as those in China [] and North Korea, have maintained control for extended periods, their endurance often depends on external factors like geopolitical leverage and internal propaganda rather than fundamental differences. The inherent pressures of repression [] inevitably lead to either reform or collapse. Although regimes like Iran and Syria have persisted for decades, their survival is not guaranteed indefinitely. Economic hardship, internal dissent, and shifting international dynamics could challenge their hold on power. History teaches that even the most entrenched tyrannies are ultimately vulnerable to collapse or transformation. Even this typically pessimistic commentator on Western civilization has some good news to share: "[...] this group has their weak points and their strong points. In 2025, there's many reasons to be hopeful, regarding humanity's chances for defeating this evil group once and for all. It's all about attacking them more consistently at their strong points and taking advantage of their weak points. It's all about basic war strategy. Millions more every day are joining this ancient battle, in order to help bring peace back to earth. Together we are strong and together we will push back as one unit [...] when we need to keep attacking their systems of control. We're in a good position now but we need to apply even more pressure, as we move into 2025. [..] More and more of the public are also now speaking up and throwing rocks at the giant. Sure, a couple people throwing rocks at a giant does nothing, but what happens when billions do it? That's now happening. [...] New podcasters, documentary film makers and writers are exploding to the surface. [...] People are regaining their bravery to speak up at the coffee shop, at the school and at the dinner table. It's working. More people will join these growing ranks in 2025. This brings the hammer back into the hands of the people. This gives me great hope." []