Here is the recent interview with yours truly 009 that was hosted by Rurik Skywalker of the Slavland Chronicles, an insightful substacker that I highly recommend you read, especially if you want a more balanced view of Putin’s Russia.
We touched on a range of subjects, centered around Trump and his cult of orange Kool Aid drinkers. Please enjoy, share, like and don’t forget to comment.
I'm responding here as the comments are closed over on Rurik's substack.
Part 1: A good discussion and a lot to consider and unpack (although the two of you are not in agreement on some issues it helps listeners to clarify some of their own positions on the points of disagreement), but I will focus on my own research area with regards to my comments/responses as I believe we should all bring something to the table from within the area/s we specialise in, or have knowledge or experience in. That is our role during these transition times from one era to a next.
There is a cycle and obviously the elites would know about it. If we keep ourselves out of the loop, how can we really know what's going on? Citizens are out of the loop because 99% of them simply reject the notion of cycles governing the world (due to rationalism and materialism) and write it off as superstition - or worse - as some in the 'alt-sphere' have done.
Thereby the ignorance is perpetuated even further, i.e. consciousness is further lowered at the end of the cycle instead of raised - having knowledge of cycles raises one's consciousnesses as it opens up a new paradigm of understanding unfolding events. This requires literally a shift in thinking from linear thinking to cyclic thinking.
Of course, one can take a horse to the water, but cannot force it to drink. If we want to catch-up the only option would be to study the cycles for ourselves. People need to make a wilful decision to open their minds to the subject. This can be done from a number of angles (the more the better for a more comprehensive view) - see for example the works of Pitirim Sorokin (Crisis of Our Age) and Julius Evola (Ride the Tiger).
Again, study is required for adaption to non-linear thinking, in other words considerable effort is needed on the part of an individual to make the transition into a new paradigm of cyclic understanding from a paradigm of linear understanding.
When does the cycle end? Some have put it at 2025 (Bibhu Dev Misra), while others have put it at 2030 (René Guénon) :
My own analysis shows 2027 to 2032, so there's broad agreement (from different perspectives) that we are presently in The End Times of a large cycle, after which there will naturally follow A New Cycle (disagreement exists on which cycle is ending - my research shows it's the Precessional Cycle, not Kali Yuga).
I've approached the subject by studying the ancient calendar systems of the Mesoamericans and Vedics and have done considerable legwork to bring these concepts to lay-people and have made a free-to- download e-book available with extensive timelines and with some deeper interpretations of what our role/s are/should be during these times:
Also available here:
My personal view is that we are genuinely in the 'end times' (which are not only the Biblical End Times), this is where our focus should be, because everything is presently unfolding within this context.
The Bolshevik Revolution was a true popular uprising? Really? What did Prof. Sutton say? ("The Best Enemy Money Can Buy" Sutton Interview )
And King was no Baptist minister either, he was a Communist sponsored by Marxist Jews: a very depraved sexual pervert Communist addicted to rape and orgies - proven by FBI wiretaps.
009's technique - the way he wraps his lies in truths, the "poisoned apple technique" so to speak - is a very typical Jewish behavior that I've seen countless times.