The Technate Of America, or more accurately, the North American Union, is a proposed merger of USA, Canada, Mexico, Cuba, Greenland and Latin America. Donald Trump’s juvenile posts on social media are the attempt to introduce this plan on a kindergarten level to the dumbed down MAGA’s who will embrace this plan as a national expansionist project.

This continental consolidation calls for the government of the United States to acquire these territories. The acquisition of these territories is a mandatory part of a continental defence program, either by purchase, negotiation, or by military force.
As the Great Depression deepened in the early 1930s, Americans looked in desperation to a variety of radical social and political solutions. One of the most popular was "Technocracy," which "offered a seemingly scientific explanation of America's ills," namely, the "disastrous inefficiency" of "the wage-price system, the very heart of capitalism." The technocrats proposed abandoning business and representative government as the driving forces of our economy, and replacing them with massive social engineering centered on "technicians - especially engineers . . . as the efficient, scientific, anticapitalistic, elite capable of reorienting the economic order around rational production and distribution. Theirs was a clarion call for technicians to plan and engineer the new order."
"Politically unbiased experts in red-and-gray Technocracy uniforms would assay each nation's yearly energy output, then divide it fairly among the citizenry." Goods and services could be purchased at prices set out "on a table of energy equivalents calculated by objective Technocratic savants," all led by the "Great Engineer." While originally based on energy calculations by scientists at Columbia University, the Technocracy dogma was written by "a charismatic Greenwich Village layabout named Howard Scott." Scott, who "dismissed the world's businesspeople, social scientists, lawyers, and teachers as charlatans", was the long-time Director-in-Chief of Technocracy Incorporated. Its program was essentially a "techno-autocracy," with a self-perpetuating elite, overt hostility to "aliens and Asiatics," and a wide range of "fascist trappings."
This map illustrates The American Technate, a radical geopolitical proposal by a radical organization, created by Howard Scott, who is described as a “mysterious young man” by his biographer. Scott, together with Walter Rautenstrauch formed the Committee on Technocracy in 1932, which advocated for complete control of society and the government by engineers. The Committee disbanded in January 1933, after only a few months, largely because of different views held by Scott and Rautenstrauch, as well as widespread criticism of Scott who appeared to be a fraud, with fake academic credentials. It was discovered he was not a certified engineer as he claimed.
A question posed to Howard Scott, the founder of Technocracy Incorporated:
Due to human nature, how are you going to get people to go along with the transition to technocratic governance?
The answer that Howard Scott gives is disturbing, because this is the same answer we hear today, from techno-nuts like Yuval Harari:
”Human nature he says, there is no such thing. Only human behavior … ]Man] will be forced to change, whether he likes it or not … Doesn't make any difference what he thinks he is.”
Here is Howard Scott talking about poisoning the drinking water as a depopulation strategy:
“Cute isn’t it? We told you science would get you.”
Here Scott talks about poisoning the water supply, soft drinks, candy and putting it in vaccines, with a chemical similar to rat poison that will sterilize women:
Technocracy, according to this video from 1975, is a top down planned economy in which you will have no say, and no freedom outside of the parameters that are establish for everyone on earth. The control mechanism will be the surveillance apparatus that they are building all over the world through surveillance cameras, online social media control, satellites in space and a drone police force.
“ … technocracy from what I've been able to understand is a planned that is a completely new dimension of thought. You're going to have to convince me that there can be a completely new dimension of thought and as soon as you do that then I'm probably on your wavelength. Well that's great Bob. We appreciate the opportunity of trying to convince you there. Technocracy is certainly something new that has no precedent—it has its origin in the evolution of a technical and technological society and in order to put this in its perspective.”
From a report by the American Policy Center:
“If current plans are fulfilled, it will result in the establishment of a North American currency called the “Amero,” as the dollar is junked; the U.S. will provide the army for defense; and the U.S. may provide benefits such as Social Security and other U.S. tax-paid programs for those who are now citizens of Mexico and Canada. Gone will be U.S. citizenship, as we will all be regarded as “North Americans.” Gone will be any kind of border control between the three nations of North America.
Plans are well underway to establish a NAFTA Super Highway, to be the width of eight football fields. It will run from Mexico to Canada, running through the middle of the United States. No tariffs or direct inspections will be enforced as trucks from Mexico and Canada drive through this nation. Only electronic scanning will be used to inspect the trucks as they travel down the highway. No border inspections will be performed. Trucks will not be opened and cargos inspected.”
The report continues to explain this initiative began in earnest on March 23, 2005, after a summit, held at President Bush’s ranch in Waco, TX. It was attended by President Bush, Mexican President Vicente Fox, and Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin. The three leaders announced the signing of an agreement to create common policies concerning various economic and security areas among the three nations. The agreement was soft-branded as The Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, instead of the more accurate North American Union.
Joe Biden met with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador for the 10th North American Leaders’ Summit in January 2023.
The three leaders signed a document that appears to be a prelude to a North American Union. It looks like the push toward a merger of the U.S., Canada and Mexico may be back on the negotiating table based on this agreement, ominously codenamed DNA:
The North American leaders, dubbed the “Three Amigos,” committed their countries to “six pillars,” all of which were taken straight from the United Nations’ Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030, including the obligatory climate change Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion programs. And let’s not leave out one of the key pillars, which is of course, related to pandemic preparedness:
“The North American Health Security Working Group will develop and launch a new, revised NAPAPI [North American Plan for Animal and Pandemic Influenza] as a flexible, scalable, and cross-sectoral platform to strengthen regional prevention, preparedness and response to a broader range of health security threats that include influenza and beyond.”
Hope you are ready for the next pandemic … it is going to be a killer.
The President of Mexico admits, without reservation, that the plan is to merge the continent:
“I think that Mr. Blinken spoke about consolidating the region of North America … in favour of a unity of the entire American continent, like the way the first European community emerged and converted into the European Union, that’s what we want.”
Anthony Blinken called for a North American Union, yet there are no Republicans talking about this push for a North American Union, except for Florida congressman, Matt Gaetz, who responded with an open letter to Blinken:
Now this is where I diverge from the rhetoric coming from the American-dominated ALTCOM (alternative community.) Commentators like Carlson and Gaetz are quick to marginalize Mexico. Tucker sarcastically says, “Oh so we’re going to merge with Mexico in the middle of the most brutal drug war in its history. Mexico is effectively run by the cartels at this point, but we’re going to merge with the cartels.”
Taking the moral high ground is a tenuous position, to say the least, considering that the United States is run by far worse criminals than the Mexican drug cartels, all of whom are literally under the control of the American oligarchs and globalist handlers. This is supreme American hubris in full colour.
Gaetz picks up the football and begins with, “It means the globalist left wants a homogenized North America because they don’t think that much of the United States.”
The globalists are neither left or right, but have spent decades infiltrating both sides of the American political establishment. Considering Republican Trump is endorsing this same plan openly, it begs the question of whether Carlson and Gaetz are oblivious dumbasses, or they are controlled opposition. Take your pick.
Gaetz continues preaching from his American exceptionalism pulpit, condemning Mexico for “cooking up more death in the Mexican mountains than any crazy mad scientist from Wuhan would ever have thought of. ”
This is more epic obfuscation and deflection by Gaetz, to steer away from the glaring and uncomfortable truth, that the pandemic was 100 percent Made in America by Americans like Bill Gates, Tony Fauci, Donald Trump, Johns Hopkins University, Fort Dietrich and the Rockefeller Foundation, all coordinated by the Republican Trump administration through Operation Warp Speed.
To diverge even further from ALTCOM’s pro-American and nationalist base, who automatically do a full ninety-degree knee jerk reaction to any and all globalist plans, without honestly take a look at the long term consequences of these plans and policies.
There is no evidence from history that the planned North American Union is a bad thing, by default.
It has been this humble blogger’s consistent view that some of what ALTCOM is reacting against is not necessarily all bad, evil or orchestrated by Satan, or the Pope, or aliens, to fulfill end times prophecies and/or make everybody miserable.
And this is not to say that their plans will not cause much human misery, because we have already witnessed that in spades during the COVID lockdowns and forced injections, that have already killed millions and wounded countless others.
Just to interject some of the facts of life: Everything evolves. Everything in space and time is in motion, down to the smallest atom. It is innate in human nature to desire to improve and expand each individual’s little universe, and by doing so, to improve and expand the whole universe. Stagnation is death, from a biological point of view.
Political evolution on our little blue planet has been ongoing for thousands of years, starting from simple farming communities that grew into market towns. These trading centers became cities and civilizations, and then the city-state emerged, following by feudalism, monarchy and parliamentary democracy. The nation-state system emerged from the Treaty of Westphalia in 1648.
The explosion of science and technology of the modern era, began with Kepler, Copernicus and Galileo in the 1500’s, who proved mathematically that the earth revolved around the sun.
The globalists did not orchestrate this scientific revolution.
Because of this scientific revolution, that has opened up a Pandora’s Box of possibility and potential disaster, the human race is on an uncharted, unprecedented and unknown destiny. We have left the safe harbor and are out in the open seas, going where no man has gone before. Where we will end up is anybody’s guess.
However, fear of change is not going to change anything. Much of ALTCOM’s unconscious philosophy is derived from American right wing Christians and American libertarians, anarchists and redneck hippies who HATE CHANGE.
What the globalists are attempting to do is to steer this crazy human ship in their own direction through the intentional process of acceleration—because they are control freaks, and they want to control and dominate this new emerging world order. The question ALTCOM should be focusing on, instead of advocating a “just say no” policy, is what kind of multipolar world do we want? Will we have freedoms and civil rights? Will it be a democracy or a techno-feudal surveillance grid controlled by lunatics?
I touched on this subject in a previous article:
To conclude, the plans for a North American Union are part of the multipolar plan to consolidate the 195 nations of the world into a series of roughly 8 to 10 power blocks, patterned after the EU.
This is lined up with Samuel P. Huntington’s Clash of Civilizations, where he predicted the future multipolar world order will be patterned after a civilizational model:
My sincere belief, is that the future of our planet has been placed in the hands of ALTCOM, who will act as the trigger mechanism to overthrow the globalist techno-nuts and steer the human ship into safe harbours where our freedoms, civil rights and democratic ideals are respected and protected.
How many times have the Western StakeHolder came up with this old, not so old, Monroe doctrine Agenda? and still haven't got the desired Synthesis objective It ain't going to happen.