The insidious cabal owes much of its success to the far-seeing and cunning nature of their long-range planning. They are in it for the long game. This is a trait of con artists and sociopaths. The con man is always a con man, he does not step outside of his character for his or her entire life. Sociopaths are known to spend hours in front of the mirror, practising their craft, learning how to act normally, in order to swindle gullible victims.
Bill Gates is a perfect example: The monopoly capitalist who ran Microsoft, gave himself a makeover, started wearing grandpa sweaters and talking like Kermit the Frog.
This rebranding strategy goes back to the Rockefeller family in the 1800’s, because it was the Rockefeller family who hired Ivy Ledbetter Lee (Poison Ivy) to rebrand them. Ivy Lee is considered the founder of public relations, and he invented the modern day “philanthropist,” which has served as the model for all billionaires ever since.
The strategy of the insidious cabal has been 3-fold:
infiltrate all institutions in every facet of society with their agents
employ the long-term incremental Fabian strategy which emphasises a war of attrition and gradual capture of the enemy (us)
multi-generational planning — the cabal are organised criminal families. They employ their sons and daughters to continue their plans into the future.
The cabal have successfully fulfilled #1, and this was revealed in graphic real time during COVID, where they exposed their hand. All the 195 nations complied, the global media complied, all global corporations complied, all unions complied, all NGO’s complied. There were few, if any dissenting voices coming from any establishment institutions anywhere on the face of the Earth.
It is therefore necessary, in this humble blogger’s opinion, to review the options, which are few:
Armed rebellion
Mass protest and demonstration
Organised independent media campaign of public awareness
Reverse engineer the strategy of the insidious cabal and use it against them
Out of the three options, the least likelihood of success is #1. Good luck in trying to organise a militia(s) on a global scale, and coordinate its activities in an orchestrated coup. Militias and armies require massive funding, and like all wars in the past, your little private army will require serious loans from you guessed it—banks and banksters.
Option #2 is much better, and mass protests did have some success, during the pandemic, to bring together a wide variety of those who were awake enough to realise COVID-19 was a horrific scam. Just one note about protests, that should be realised—they don’t change things, unless the protesters don’t go home.
The reason the truckers’ convoy in Ottawa was such an existential threat to the Canadian establishment, and by extension to the insidious cabal, is because the truckers did not go home after the rally. The camped out at the Parliament buildings and caused organised havoc in downtown Ottawa, galvanising popular opinion and bringing together the various dissident groups who gave the truckers whole-hearted support. The truckers’ convoy attracted international attention that could not be ignored. No wonder, Canadian Grime Minister Trudeau was forced to bring out the thugs and shut it down, no doubt through the instructions of his masters higher up the food chain.
There are many examples in the history of protests, that have triggered significant change and/or forced the power brokers to shut them down, and/or attracted international media attention, but only when the protesters do not go home:
Indian farmers protest of 2020
Anti-war protesters in 1968 at Columbia University in New York City
Russian Revolution of March 1917
Occupy Wall Street protests of 2011
In my humble opinion, option #4 (reverse engineering) is the most promising for long term success, but only if it works in conjunction with mass protests #2 and an organized indie media campaign #3.
The simple reason for the possibility of success of reverse engineering the Fabian strategy of the cabal is the sheer numbers of the ALTCOM (alternative community). We already far outnumber the insidious cabal. As Sun Tzu famously said:
“The clever combatant imposes his will on the enemy, but does not allow the enemy’s will to be imposed on him.”
Many of the institutions we seek to infiltrate are difficult, but not impossible to access, such as the BIS, NATO, CIA, United Nations and the WEF. It does not mean that motivated individual cannot attempt to send in their resume, and go to work for these organisations. There is no reason to conclude that you cannot work for the United Nations, for example. If you want to get inside the UN, just apply here. If you want to join the CIA apply here. If you want to work for the WHO, apply here. If you want to work for NATO apply here. If you want to work for the BIS, apply here.
I can hear the groans coming from the NPC’s in the ALTCOM already, many of whom advocate living in the woods as a strategy. Be my guest, go live in the woods, get off the grid and don’t pay taxes. Grow some weed and have a great time. But don’t expect your Private Idaho to change anything, because it won’t.
Some may object to this plan by saying that we cannot go to work for the enemy because then we will be corrupted and become like them. If this were true, then the reverse would also be true—but the insidious cabal, who infiltrated all our institutions, did not become like us, did they? They retained their evil integrity. In fact, infiltrating governments, banks, NGO’s and other institutions actually reinforced their own ideology and commitment.
Although it is difficult for the average citizen to access the corridors of power of transnational organizations such as the WEF, the WHO and the United Nations, as mentioned above, it is not impossible. Anyone can apply and go to work for many of these organisations. No one said this would be easy.
However, other groups such as the WEF have attendance fees that are out of reach of everyone, except the very wealthy. Membership fees at Davos are $68,000 for an individual member, $263,000 for an “Industry Partner” and $527,000 for a “Strategic Partner,” and that does not include flights, hotels and food for the Davos week.
If we want to stop powerful technocrats from controlling our lives, we have to take back what they have stolen on the local level, where we have some authority. The key to individual sovereignty is self-reliance. The more that people can do together, organizing themselves on the community level, the less they need the government. The pioneer spirit of community and family has been lost in the West and needs to be reclaimed.
Getting involved in the local political scene is key to overthrowing the agenda of the insidious cabal. It is much easier to infiltrate City Hall than the WEF. Anyone can run for city councillor or mayor. The same is true of school boards, and many county positions, such as sheriff are open to the public.
Running for office on the state or provincial level is also much easier to do. The higher up you go, the harder it is to enter the corridors of power, and the harder it is to affect change or influence the power brokers.
Our local politicians live in the same neighborhoods as us—they have homes and offices that anyone can visit. They are vulnerable to personal confrontation. That’s one of our strengths, if we are wise enough to take advantage of it.
The other untapped advantage of ALTCOM is sheer numbers. We vastly outnumber them.
Elephants are normally classified as having no natural enemies. Not even big predators like lions can take down an elephant. But ants can kill an elephant by crawling up the elephant’s trunk and ears, and biting the soft and sensitive inside skin. Ants can drive an elephant mad doing this.
We just have to operate like the ants, and find the vulnerable areas of the insidious cabal. Every army has its weakness. We just need to find the Achilles’ heel, a weakness, that despite their overall strength, can lead to their downfall.
This plan requires commitment and serious long term strategy. Secondly, you should not do it alone. You are far more effective if you can do your covert activities with the help and moral support of at least one person.
Further to this idea, various organizations have used the clandestine cell system successfully to build their membership, provide structure and de-centralize their organization. Most importantly, cells allow organizations to get everyone involved, even if only to socialize. Protestant Christian churches have long used this method to strengthen their communities. Many churches call them “care groups” and there is emphasis on giving each other moral support, reading the Bible together and praying for each other.
“A clandestine cell system is a method for organizing a group of people, such as resistance fighters, spies, mercenaries, organized crime members, or terrorists, to make it harder for police, military or other hostile groups to catch them. In a cell structure, each cell consists of a relatively small number of people, who know little to no information concerning organization assets (such as member identities) beyond their cell. This limits the harm that can be done to the organization as a whole by any individual cell member defecting, being a mole, being surveilled, or giving up information after being apprehended and interrogated.
The structure of a clandestine cell system can range from a strict hierarchy to an extremely distributed organization, depending on the group's ideology, its operational area, the communications technologies available, and the nature of the mission. Criminal organizations, undercover operations, and unconventional warfare units led by special forces may also use this sort of organizational structure.”
If you think this plan is too far-fetched, and it is not necessary, then maybe you need to rethink where we are, at this juncture in world history.
This isn’t Kansas, Dorothy.
Other less benevolent organizations have used cells to promote military agendas. Small autonomous cell groups of anywhere from three to a dozen members were effectively employed by the French underground resistance in WW2, and by the IRA (Irish Republican Army). These groups used cell groups to prevent infiltration. A large top-down organization with a centralized command is easy to infiltrate because nefarious outside counter-intelligence groups only need to send in one agent. A proliferation of independent cells who have their own agendas, plans and leadership is much harder to infiltrate because many undercover agents are needed. Small groups have trusted members who are known to everyone in the group, and resist outsiders coming in.
Each cell group can have its own plans and activities. There doesn’t need to be, nor is it desirable at this crucial time in world history, for there to be a handful of social media influencers doing all the work, while the majority of activists remain idle, waiting for someone to show them what to do.
All hands on deck. We all need to get involved and do something. We also need to revisit our ways of doing things along the way. We cannot continue to do the same task, and expect different results.
The word activist is based on the word act. An activist does something. We all have different skills, abilities, temperaments and strengths. Cell groups allow like-minded and socially compatible activists to organize themselves, and find a project or plan they can accomplish together.
At the very least, cell groups can help give each other moral support and help rebuild our communities in more positive directions. If things go really sideways in the economy and there is economic collapse, we will all need to band together on the local level for survival.
And it is better than staying at home, isolated and depressed, drinking too much alcohol and worrying about the future. Ten heads are better than one, and teamwork is needed more than ever.
ALTCOM can grow significantly when we are all established into cell groups. Then we can start recruiting new people. It is much easier for people to join a small cell group and plug into something organized. People respond to organisation. The real secret of successful activism is careful planning by small teams who come up with a campaign and carry it out.
Never underestimate the power of a small motivated group of people. Social media gives the illusion that the celebrity ALTCOM influencers are doing everything, and they are the sole leaders in the movement, but the reality is that there are hundreds and thousands of people working behind the scenes. Decide today to be one of those people, and start your own cell group. Be a leader.
“Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision, the ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.”
~ Andrew Carnegie
According to Richard Hackman, a Harvard professor of organizational psychology, and a leading expert on teams, small teams can generate magic, but it’s not guaranteed. The belief that teams make us more creative and productive—and are the best way to get things done—is deeply entrenched. Often teams underperform despite all their extra resources, because of several common mistakes that render teams ineffective.
The biggest pitfall is that members often do not agree on what the team is supposed to be doing, or even on who is on the team. Without a clearly stated and agreed-upon goal, your cell will accomplish little, other than getting together and offering moral support to each other.
Bigger is not always better and as a team grows, the effort needed to manage the members increases almost exponentially. If your group becomes too big, it is advisable to split it into two groups.
The leader of the cell group needs to be firm about defining goals and keeping them small (fewer than 10 members). Negative individuals can be disrupters, and they should simply be forced out of the group. The leader also must set a compelling direction for the team—but in so doing, he or she may encounter intense resistance that puts the whole group at risk, and it could fall apart if there is too much dispute over the direction and goals of the team.
Another fallacy about teams is that those with long-term membership eventually become stagnant. In fact, Hackman’s research reveals that new teams make 50% more mistakes than established teams. The group must be patient and allow for sufficient time for everyone to gel. Give yourselves at least a year, because just like wine, it gets better with age.
Every team needs a deviant to avoid complacency—someone who is willing to stir up enough debate and dissension to open up the group to new ideas. Unfortunately, such individuals often get thrown off the team, robbing it of its chance to be magical. The leader needs to discern whether the individual is a disrupter or a deviant.
No matter how good the leader is, he or she cannot force the team to perform. However, by being disciplined about how a team is set up and managed, instituting the right support systems, and providing coaching in group processes, the leader can increase the likelihood that a team will be great.
The most important meeting is the first meeting. Generally, small groups establish everything in the first moments, including the goals, direction, structure and group dynamics. The team leader needs to be very conscious of this fact, and be quick to steer the first meeting carefully and competently.
One of the other fallacies of small teams is that they have to be running harmoniously to function properly. The reality is that the team needs to have some tension to keep it vital and effective. Too much tension, however, is bad and the team may fall apart if there is excessive social drama. It is usually the leader’s job to maintain the balance, although the group may need a peacemaker—someone who helps smooth out the rough edges between members.
The insidious cabal has implemented its plans, policies and agendas over the decades through covert, subversive means. They have maintained a Fabian Strategy as we have discussed previously. We propose to use this strategy against the insidious cabal, in order to reverse engineer their psychological operations and media propaganda.
The French underground during WW2 operated resistance cells that engaged in guerrilla warfare activities, were also publishers of underground newspapers, providers of first-hand intelligence information, and maintainers of escape networks that helped Allied soldiers and airmen trapped behind enemy lines. They did this all covertly.
Is it wise to broadcast all our activities all over the internet, posting endless videos and zoom conferences? Or are we better off going underground and disappearing from sight, covering our tracks and remaining as invisible as possible? For those in the ALTCOM who are social media warriors, the thought of shutting down their accounts and staying off the internet is probably a horrifying idea.
The rallies and protest during COVID catapulted many influencers to national, and even international attention. Many had never had their taste of fame before, and like a moth to the flame, narcissism became a thing with the ALTCOM. Those who are willing to avoid the limelight, and who don’t need public attention can accomplish more, and they can also do this while staying off the radar of the cabal and their agents.
Ask yourself, why does someone need to be posting selfie videos almost every single day?
Millions of people have already been censored and driven off Facebook, Twitter and Youtube. Some of the new platforms that are springing up are managed by agents of the insidious cabal. Parler, for example was owned by Robert Mercer’s daughter, Rebekah Mercer. Robert Mercer is heavily involved with Artificial Intelligence and he was the cash cow behind data-mining company Cambridge Analytica. Similarly, Elon Musk, who bought Twitter, is a DARPA contractor who is so far up the deep state’s ass it is not funny.
We are dealing with an invisible enemy who rarely reveal themselves in public. During times of war, enemy combatants engage in covert operations to conceal the source of the attack. This creates plausible deniability. This is exactly what the agents of the insidious cabal did with the biological weapon attack during COVID. A virus is impossible to track, and it can never be directly connected to the cabal.
An order for Radio Silence is generally issued by the military, where any radio transmission may reveal troop positions, either audibly from the sound of talking, or by radio direction finding. The ALTCOM could use this method to great effect by ceasing public broadcasting on social media of plans, activities and agendas. This will also prevent the MSM from using all our media against us. You cannot target an enemy you cannot see.
We are in a war, a very different hybrid war. It is a full spectrum dominance war, where we have a multitude of challenges facing us. Many people are looking for a silver bullet solution, but what we really need is a machine gun of solutions and a collective effort. There are just too many challenges for any one person, or even a group of people, to work on, because we are being hit on all sides. We are essentially surrounded and infiltrated. There are enemies even within the ALTCOM. We need a collective effort, with everybody working together on an unprecedented, international scale, despite its challenges.
It is very important that independent media and an active infiltration program is connected to social activism, public protest and demonstrations. Right now there is a lull, but the cabal will launch another operation sooner or later, and people will be driven out into the streets again.
The Top 10 most important things that help any kind of social protest movement include:
1. Strong leadership
2. Clear goals and demands
3. Simple message and slogans
4. Gain public sympathy
5. Connect to political activists within established parties
6. Prolonged occupation of government buildings or centers of power
7. Enlist labour unions
8. Gain the support and sympathy of the police and military
9. Peaceful non-violent
10. Instilling fear in the hearts of politicians and power brokers
1. Strong leadership: You have to have a strong group who are committed, stable people. One particular group was the Occupy Wall Street movement, which was started in Vancouver, by Adbusters magazine. They claimed that they were a “leaderless Revolution,” which was not true, really. Those who were proclaiming it was a “leaderless revolution” were the leaders.
2. Clear goals and demands: The revolution, the movement has to have a stated, agreed-upon list of things they are trying to accomplish, and the demands they are making need to be made known to the establishment. All social movements without exception are political dissidents’ challenges and fights with the establishment. So, the establishment and those who are wondering whether your movement is really legitimate need to know what you want.
3. Simple messages and slogans, and I can give you a couple example of previous social movements, such as Black Lives Matter—that was really their slogan Black Lives Matter. It was very simple, it could be easily repeated, everybody knew what it meant.
Another was the Truckers Convoy here in Canada. The Canadian flag became the symbol of the struggle for healthcare freedom.
Another example from history, is the Russian Revolution in 1917. With the first revolution, in March, their slogan was bread, land, peace. It’s very important that your messaging is simple.
The Palestinian protesters have very good messaging: they have the watermelon symbol. The Palestinian flag is also a symbol. From The River to The Sea, Palestine will be free—all of these things make it easy for people to understand, come together, and everybody knows what you are talking about. It becomes the archetypal symbol of the movement.
4. It is very important to gain public sympathy. During COVID, we did not gain public sympathy. In fact, the general public were completely against us. Over 5.7 billion people took the mRNA injections. We were vilified and ostracized by the media, made out to be political pariahs and social lepers.
5. Connect to political activists within established parties. There is a distinction that needs to be made, between political activists and politicians themselves, because most politicians are not activists, they are there to protect the platform, of not only their party, but the establishment. Very few of them are actually activists. A couple come to mind, Christine Anderson in the EU. Canada had Randy Hillier and Max Bernier, who are actual political activists, working within established parties that marginalized them—both of them had big struggles with their conservative party members in Canada. Another great example is Robert F. Kennedy, who has been a healthcare activist for decades before running for office.
6. Prolonged occupation of government buildings and centers of power. There are many examples of this. In the anti-Vietnam, anti-war protests of the 1960s, protesters occupied many different buildings, senators’ offices, and public spaces. Coincidentally, 56 years ago on May 1st 1968, Hamilton Hall in Columbia University was occupied by the students, protesting segregation and the Vietnam War, and they took over Hamilton Hall and 56 years later to the date, the Palestinian students at Columbia University did the exact same thing with the same results, as the NYPD were brought in, cracked down, arrested a lot of them and shut it down.
7. Enlist labour unions. This is very important because labour unions represent the working class which is the broad base of any nation. During COVID, we did not gain the support of labour unions—they were against us. Infiltration of labour unions is essential for success. Motivated individuals with the ability to maintain radio silence are needed.
8. It is important to gain the support and sympathy of the police and the military. This has been a fundamental aspect of any social revolution—that once the police and the military are on your side, the Establishment has no way to shut you down. They cannot bring in the Goon Squad, if the Goon Squad takes your side.
9. ALTCOM must be peaceful and nonviolent. There have been studies done of social movements have shown that peaceful nonviolent revolutions are twice as effective as violent ones. Studies have shown that violent revolutions have about a 25% success rate compared to peaceful, nonviolent revolutions which have about a 50% success rate, so 50-50. Those are the odds. That is not too bad, considering the challenges we are facing, and in my opinion, we eventually will triumph over all of this looming, impending global tyranny. It just is going to take a lot of time and organization.
10. Instilling fear in the hearts of politicians and power brokers. This is very important, that everything you are doing scares the Establishment. The thing that they are most afraid of is losing their position and power. They're afraid. Politicians are afraid of being exposed as corrupt, losing their six figure incomes, and many of them have much bigger incomes than that. Losing their status in society and going back to being poor working-class, this is a horrifying thought for them, and that needs to be put in their hearts—to understand that the revolution, the movement’s main goal is to overthrow them, and put better stewards in their place.
It was a great disappointment to watch the ALTCOM drop the ball after the October 7 uprising in Gaza. I attended many of the Pro-Palestine protests, and there was a mere handful of people from the local anti-lockdown movement who showed up.
The pro-Palestine protesters are fully aware of the Rothschild family’s involvement in the creation of deep state Israel. Anyone who has researched the insidious cabal is fully aware of the significance of the Rothschild family, yet ALTCOM could barely lift a finger when the Rothschild project started a campaign of genocide against the Palestinians in Gaza.
The left are slowly waking up, and an international movement, on the scale that is required to defeat the insidious cabal, requires the left and the right working together. This means putting aside ideological and social issues for the time being. We can get back to the public debate over all the social issues, but only after we defeat the insidious cabal.
We are not in a war with the left, contrary to the Cold War warriors. We are in a war with the top who are engaged in a protracted campaign of destruction of both the left, the right, and the middle.
NEWSFLASH: communism was defeated in 1989.
And I know what you’re gonna say: Communism is alive and well, it’s cultural Marxism dammit! Yeah okay. Meanwhile, the billionaire class is systematically raping the world’s economy.
Billionaires are capitalists, said Captain Obvious.
Having said all that, the best strategy of civil rights movements, social protest and public revolution is to wait for the trigger event. It is not our job, as individuals or groups to blow things up. It is only our responsibility to do what each of us can do individually. Every single action that you take, whether it is speaking out publicly, attending a protest, emailing your MP, contacting your senator, governor, member of parliament, writing an article, writing a book—all of these things are logs on the fire. We are just trying to build a bonfire, and let the trigger event occur. And it will eventually, because sooner or later, the power brokers, the Establishment, they will overplay their hand and make a mistake, and go too far, and this will light the bonfire.
This happened in Canada with the Truckers Convoy that was triggered by Grime Minister Justin Trudeau, who made it mandatory for truckers crossing the US and Canadian borders, back and forth, to take the vaxx. However, the Truckers Convoy would not have happened without the two years of protests before that, without people standing out there and building support. The truckers ran with it, literally drove all the way to Ottawa and became the focal point of the whole international movement.
Most of these social movements, in and of themselves, do not immediately provoke change. But what they do is lay the foundation for further things. Like for example, the Occupy Wall Street movement did not change things with corporate greed, but they laid the foundation for future protests.
For example, the Palestinian Occupy Movement which is based on the Occupy Wall Street movement. There are 140 universities in North America alone, occupied by camps, and this was all mirrored after Occupy Wall Street camps. So these movements build on each other and they copy each other. That is very important for all of us.
The last point that I would like to make—the success of our revolution is based on the problem itself. How did we get in this mess? In my humble opinion, we are in this mess collectively, and not just as individual nations or societies. It is a global problem that started, it was initiated in the West, in Europe—specifically during the 1700s. During the Secular Revolt, the Enlightenment thinkers rebelled against the monarchy and the Church. They did not like that the totalitarian Church was in bed with the State, which was the monarchy. They wanted civil rights and freedoms, and this triggered many different social phenomena.
For a deeper dive into the Secular Revolt:
The Secular Revolt against the state, with separation of church and state, happened—people started getting constitutions with Charters of Rights. First in the United States and then France, with the creation of the Rights of Man. Everyone in the world now, almost all countries want to have a Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which is good.
Also good, the Scientific Revolution was a direct result of the Secular Revolt. We have marvellous technology now. We would not have this wonderful Substack platform, if we did not have this amazing technology to interact with each other online. Here I am sitting in front of my computer, writing this article to share with people all over the world, something that was unheard of 50 years ago.
The other thing that happened was the beginning of modern militant secularism, humanism, atheism and materialism (S.H.A.M.). All of these things have permeated our entire globe, not just the West. Societies all over the world have adopted this secular materialist philosophy which is very subtle. It is the absence of spirituality, religion and God within the political arena. There is no discussion anymore in societies, within political parties, in governments. Leaders don’t get up and talk about their spiritual or religious point of view.
For a deep dive into the roots of S.H.A.M:
If you go to nations that are often labelled “Old World,” like specifically Muslim nations, everybody talks about God, about Allah. They pray five times a day, it is part of their culture, everyone has a religious point of view. Whether you agree with Islam or not, any religious point of view is better than none.
Atheism is nihilism. It is based on a scientific belief, or actually, it is a non-scientific belief, that the universe self-created itself, out of nothing, for no reason, by accident. This is magical thinking, and it is the root problem. It is the philosophy of our age.
In order to combat that, it needs to be reverse-engineered, and the revolution needs to be spiritualized, in my humble opinion. It needs to become part of our dialogue, our rallies, our protests, our conversations with the mainstream media, the articles we write, the books we write. Everything needs to be spiritualized, injected with universal values, as broad as possible to cover the broad base of humanity.
We have four major world religions: Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism and eight minor world religions, and all these religions have different ideologies, but they share common values. We are not here to Christianize or Islamify people. That’s another conversation for another time.
These universal values are the basis of all religions, such as the Golden Rule. These common values need to be promoted again, and reintroduced into our society on a global level, and this is the path forward. It is not a silver bullet solution, it is the path forward, and I believe that it will change the way that people look at the political dissidents in the ALTCOM. We are not just out there with our political banners rooting for whatever political ideology or political party. We are there to root for all of humanity, because that is what is at stake fundamentally—the survival, the future of humanity.
It has been laid upon the shoulders of the ALTCOM, the truther community, this struggle for medical rights which happened under four years of COVID. It is not just medical rights, but that was what they used to undermine all civil rights. We are a human rights movement, in my humble opinion and more specifically, a spiritual human rights movement.
The only way to water the Earth with truth is by saturating it with the holy water of the spirit. Peace on Earth, goodwill to all.
Firstly this is (mostly) a brilliant article. And this is (mostly) a brilliant Substack. It is my favorite substack I've come across in a long while.
But the article fell short at the S.H.A.M. section.
You say "Atheism is nihilism. It is based on a scientific belief, or actually, it is a non-scientific belief, that the universe self-created itself, out of nothing, for no reason, by accident. This is magical thinking, and it is the root problem. It is the philosophy of our age."
1. Atheism is the absence of belief in deities (whether a god or multiple gods) or sometimes more strongly it is the belief that there are no deities.
2. The big bang hypothesis is not a part of atheism. Atheism is entirely encapsulated in point "1" above and does not involve positive claims about the origins of the universe or humanity.
3. "The universe self-created itself, out of nothing" is the same exact same magical thinking as "God created himself and the universe out of nothing" which is why many atheists (being naturally skeptical) are actually not convinced by the big bang hypothesis.
The S.H.A.M. section alienates a huge section of ALTCOM, firstly by misrepresenting it as the root cause of our problems (fun fact: the same cabal/s of meglomaniacs were using money and violence to control large swathes of humanity long before the enlightenment and during a time when everyone was religious, also those current 'Old World' nations are fully controlled too), secondly by misrepresenting what atheism is, and thirdly by seeming to imply that universal values are not shared by atheists or people who don't follow organized religion but only by the world's major and minor religions. I can get behind "inject(ing) with universal values, as broad as possible" because those universal values (being universal) actually transcend religions or lack thereof.
Otherwise a brilliant article with some brilliant suggestions.
Real thought and constructive ideas. Some possibly somewhat off the mark in my view but not far enogh to diminish the general worthiness and main thrust. (Thank you for pointing out that billionaires are not marxists, cultural or otherwise!)
However, I found the brief and sudden lurch towards religion off-putting and the condemnation of atheism bald and shallow. Agnosticism is more reasonable (one can't prove God does or doesn't exist) but promoting belief in a benevolent Supreme Being who loves his human creations despite all evidence to the contrary is just selling more opium to the people; ignoring the crimes against, and manipulation of, the masses by perfidous organised religion in the service of power adds to the suicide of reason plain suicide for any group hoping to organise against its masters.