“Everything that exceeds the bounds of moderation has an unstable foundation.”
~ Seneca the Younger
I commented in an early article, that ALTCOM (the alternative community) has proposed a smorgasbord of “people of interest” who are responsible for all-the-evil-in-the-world. The prime bogeymen usually presented are Satan, communism, Jews, the Vatican and the British.
The Blame The British Club, chaired by the Larouche cult have proposed that a British agent lurks behind every nefarious event and/or ideology, founded on the Venetian takeover of the West in medieval Europe. Likewise, the Blame The Jews Club are equally adamant that the Jews are under every rock, screwing the goyim in a vast interconnected web of intrigue, corruption and lies. The Christians within ALTCOM default to Satan, who roars about like a lion, pouring poison hemlock into the ears of the whole human race. Communism seems to be the default bogeyman for all of the above.
Hardly anyone in ALTCOM blames capitalism, despite the OVER-FUCKING-WHELMING evidence that billionaires and trillionaires are hardcore monopoly capitalists.
Sorry, I had to get that off my chest.
Very few seem to be cognizant that the beginnings of the conspiracy originated with the French Jacobins and German Illuminati during the French Revolution. How come nobody blames the French and the Germans? Oh wait, I know the answer—because it was really the Jews, British agents, commies and Satan who slithered into the French Revolution and messed it all up.
For a more detailed look into the origins of our modern problem:
Similarly, very few in the ALTCOM blame America or Christianity for our current predicament, despite the glaring facts of history, that the totalitarian Christian church forced the militant atheist Jacobins and Illuminati to go underground in the first place. And secondly, despite the fact the two of the greatest hoaxes in world history, namely 9/11 and the COVID scam, were 100 percent Made in America, by Americans, for Americans and of Americans—America still gets a free pass because Jews, MI6, the Pope and commies. (see above)
The problem with a conspiratorial weltanshuuang (worldview), is that it leaves the impression that there is nobody else operating on the world stage. Every single event in history was orchestrated by nefarious actors, and there is nothing organic happening. Evolution plays no part in historical events according to most conspiracy theories.
One prime example is the supposed letter written by Albert Pike to Mazzini, dated August 15, 1871 where he outlines three world wars, planned by the nasty commie Jewish, British Vatican (and maybe some aliens).
This letter is a fake. The origins of this conspiracy came from William Guy Carr, in his book, Pawns in the Game.
For a really deep dive on this subject look here.
Many within ALTCOM believe the Cabal is ancient, going back thousands of years, and they have always been in power. This is a difficult proposition, considering the vast expanse of geography that separated different civilizations for thousands of years. The ancient Silk Road took a year for a caravan to travel from one end to the other. The truth is that the insidious cabal have the potential, ability and power to do what they are doing, ONLY because of technology because our world is now interconnected through mass transportation, communication, global media, international finance and trade due to science and technology.
It would have been exceedingly difficult to rule the world previous to our modern age.
Our notions of left and right on the political spectrum originated in the French Revolution. The initial political ravine was created at the time of the French Revolution, between supporters of the absolute monarchy and the church (the right) and those who wished to limit the king’s and the church’s authority (the left).
Since that time, it appears the left and the right have switched sides. The conservative right within ALTCOM are now vehemently opposed to the establishment, while the left are aligned with the establishment and its goals, albeit unconsciously, because the majority of the left are oblivious to the scheming of the insidious cabal, brainwashed by the media into believing conspiracy theory is all baseless nonsense.
If you want to pray for someone, pray for the woke left to wake up from their dream/nightmare.
The political division is dated to the summer of 1789, when members of the French National Assembly met to begin drafting a constitution—the delegates were split over the issue of royal authority and as the debate heated up, the two opposing factions gravitated to either side of the assembly hall: the anti-royalist revolutionaries sat themselves to the presiding officer’s left, while the more conservative, aristocratic supporters of the monarchy sat on the right.
French newspapers began making reference to the progressive “left” and traditionalist “right” of the French assembly, and the division continued during the 1790s, when political parties began self-identifying as “center left,” “center right,” “extreme left” and “extreme right.”
Since that time, French politics has become a shitshow of confused and competing parties. The last election had 12 parties fighting it out for dominance.
THE 40/40/20 RULE
Having said that, elections are historically determined by the center.
In the USA, there are seven swing states, Nevada, Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Georgia, which have direct voter control over the outcome of elections.
Generally speaking, 40% of American voters will vote Republican, no matter who or what, and 40% will vote Democrat, no matter who the candidates are or what issues happen to be on the table during that particular election cycle.
That leaves the 20% of voters who are normally called “swing voters” or “undecided.” Or more accurately, they are centrists. Centrists are the unofficial third party in the USA. They have more influence than the Democrats or Republicans who are engaged in a Hatfields versus McCoy war of attrition that will never end. This is primarily due to the fact, the political establishment in the USA do not want it to end, because it benefits them enormously to have a fractured duopoly masquerading as a democracy. It is however, also due to the fact, that the American people have descended into a stubborn position of non-cooperation with each other, galvanized over decades of political domestic abuse. America is a divorce waiting to happen.
Centrism is the dirty little word in our political arena that nobody wants to talk about, usually for fear of being labeled “wishy-washy,” a “flip flopper” “comprising” or “not having any principles,” or because centrism is not respected as a thing. We are expected to pick a team, either the blue team or the red team. The other teams are not even given a voice on the stage during the elections. The green team, orange team, yellow team, and purple team do not exist in the media.
What the heck does it really mean to be a centrist?
There are different kinds of centrism, according to academics who study such things. Interesting to note, centrism is the only group on the political spectrum who do not have a team colour. To be a centrist is to be a non-person politically. Politicians who label themselves centrist are invariably not centrists, however, and just use the label as a way of defusing opposition, and appealing to as broad a section of the population as possible.
The generally accepted definition of a centrist is one who choses a middle path between capitalism and socialism, associated with moderate politics, which includes those who strongly support moderate policies, and those who are not strongly aligned with left-wing or right-wing policies.
Radical reform centrism, however, does not seek compromises between the left and the right, but instead calls for fundamental reform of all institutions, reflecting a belief in realism and pragmatism over idealism and emotion. Radical centrists often borrow ideas from both the political left and right, often blending them to create new solutions, or more accurately, reforms.
Real reform is necessary. That would seem obvious. Our institutions have been infiltrated and legislation created to favour the billionaire class. This needs to be changed, and the only way to change legislation is from within the political arena.
The Live-In-The-Woods Club advocate a position of non-involvement in the political arena, claiming it is too broken, too corrupt and impossible to fix. The LITWC believe we should just smoke weed, pay no taxes and build a Private Idaho in the woods, and this will eventually transform itself into a Brave New World of libertarian bliss.
Living in the woods is retreating. We are in a war and during a war, we attack and engage the enemy. Abandoning the battlefield is normally called deserting and swiftly punished in a real war, yet somehow the LITWC feel they are virtuous by buggering off and doing nothing. There is no virtue in being an NPC.
The best plan, the most excellent plan, is to get involved with the political process and overthrow the evil empire from within.
I covered this in detail in my last post:
Wealth inequality has reached historically high levels. During the subprime mortgage crisis in 2008 and during the pandemic, the billionaire class exploited both crises to the fullest, increasing their market share of the global pie. Big box stores were allowed to stay open, while small businesses were forced to shut down. Thousands went bankrupt.
The financial stress that is being placed on the working and middle classes during this period of world history will be expressed in civil unrest, protest and political extremism. It is not sociological rocket science to understand that when people lose their jobs and their homes, and are forced into a lower income bracket, there will be anger and frustration.
Poverty causes depression, suicide, alcoholism, drug addiction, domestic abuse, divorce and homelessness. When the sociopathic billionaires raped the economy during the global pandemic, there were many casualties. According to a recent Oxfam report, the wealth of billionaires has increased by a whopping $3.9 trillion in 2020, enough “to prevent anyone on Earth from falling into poverty because of the virus.” The report also estimates that between 200 million to 500 million people may have fallen into poverty during 2020.
When a nation’s citizens are pushed into economic hardship, political extremism becomes more prevalent. People start blaming the political opposition, and moving further and further to the right and the left. Then the citizens start rioting and protesting on the streets, as we are seeing in spades all over the world.
There have been a multitude of protests such as the Falun Gong, the Palestinians university camps, the Indian Farmers, Indigenous people, BLM, Anti-Asian Hate rallies, small business protests and a slough of others, too many to mention. And there will be more to come.
Human rights issues are at the core of everything that protestors and activists engage in. Those who fought for medical rights were labelled “anti-vaxxers,” “anti-maskers” and “conspiracy theorists,” but it’s more truthful to say that ALTCOM is a community of political dissidents and human rights activists, fighting to retain basic civil rights.
When the rest of the world is imploding, and the right and left are moving further apart, it is better to hug the center, and attempt to bring people closer together, rather than pouring gasoline on the fires of social unrest. The wise saying, happy are the peacemakers is a good motto for those who attempt to reconcile different political groups. We need to be on the side of any group fighting for civil rights and freedoms. That does not mean that, as an individual we have to agree with everything they stand for—we are just defending their right to be heard.
French philosopher Voltaire is on record as saying, “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” Freedom of speech is at the heart of all rights and freedoms, and we witnessed the serious violation of this fundamental right during COVID and beyond.
If you want to be free, you have to fight for everyone’s rights for freedom, not just the rights of your special interest group.
There are some in ALTCOM who believe we are fighting for the rights of “European culture,” and we are engaged in a protracted struggle with immigrants. But COVID should have shown to the whole world that the survival of all of humanity is at stake, not just European culture and Western civilization.
The point is to move closer to the central issue of our universal human rights. When the left goes further left, we should respond by moving closer to the center, and not by moving further to the right. That is how societies become divided, because political extremism is a retreat from political debate, discourse and reconciliation.
The Empire exploits division in society, like splitting a rock in two. All you have to do is find the crack, and any rock can be broken with a hammer and a chisel. Division in society is weakness. Strong societies and strong individuals solve their problems by moving closer together, finding compromises and by cooperating, not by fighting and remaining gridlocked.
United We Stand, Divided We Fall.
Hi, thanks for your insights. I spent 10 years studying the origins of the global domination project and came to slightly different conclusions, which are summarized in my book well documented book The Predators versus The People, available on https://thepredatorsversusthepeople.substack.com/
Some of the main differences are:
- the world has been globalized for approx. 5000 years
- some very rich people in the Mediterranean (from Venice, Genoa and Jews banned from Spain) started the present project about 500 years ago. I call them the Predators or Glafia (the richest dynastic families in the world, mostly bankers and royalty, maybe a few 100).
- they made the upcoming European nations states their proxies by fusing their mobile capital with the governments (central banking, bribery, investments)
- from the start, their proxy states (by now all countries in the world) were European and overseen by designated hegemons, resp. Spain, Holland, Britain and the USA. Since over a century (Russia and) China were set up as their fifth hegemon, the first time that they use an Asian proxy for this task.
- their present proxy system is very complicated (governments, big corporations, national and international institutions, NGO's, churches, secret societies, etc, etc) and will be replaced by a technological control system (the Global Digital Prison, or Digital Gulag).
For a first look, please consult my free articles on the history of China, the USA, Russia, and Jewry on the above mentioned site.